mercredi 5 avril 2017

Social media and children

Today's children and teenagers were born in a world where social media is part of the life as much as air. They are interconnected at a very young age and Internet is an integral part of their life and persona. The parents of this generation face a new challenge: managing the use of social network.
Not so long ago, parents could control the social relation of their kids by controlling the physical access of the house. That was it. "You cannot go out tonight!" Kids had to meet in person to engage in a relation. Then came the phone. Even then, parents could control access to the phone. Now with the Internet, kids have many entry points to the network: Computer, smart phone, tablet, TV, TV receiver, etc. Internet is everywhere anytime.

The good

Social media can be beneficial for children when used properly and reasonably. It can help them sharpen their social skills, get technical knowledge, help academic learning, etc. It cans also help in developing self confidence and self esteem.

The bad

Conversely, Internet can influence negatively the development of the brain. It can interfere because it mess with our hormone and specially the rewarding system. Our brain needs us to move to develop fully. We have to experience the world with our whole body and senses not just the eyes.

The ugly

The Internet and social media are dangerous in many aspect. They can meet with strangers that will try to harm them. The can also disclose information about themselves or your family or even get bullied.

The parent role with social media is of great importance. Educating, discussing and establishing trust with your children should be your priority in this matter. Talk to them of the benefits, dangers and the rational of the rules. Be clear and transparent, as parent you have the right and the obligation to monitor and control what they do on the Internet. As time pass and they mature, they will become more responsible and knowledgeable of the risks, good habits and traps of social network.

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